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Золотая рыбка (рыбные блюда) делимся

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Гнездышки с рыбой

Ингредиенты: 500 г филе рыбы (судак, сибас, горбуша, минтай, навага и т. д. ), 400 г батона, 200 г лука, 500 мл молока, 150 г сыра, майонез, зелень по вкусу, соль, перец, растительное масло. Лук мелко нарезать. Рыбу мелко нарезать. Зелень мелко нарезать. Сыр натереть на мелкой терке. Смешать рыбу, лук, зелень, посолить, поперчить. Батон нарезать кусочками толщиной 2 см. Кусочки батона пропитать молоком, немного отжать. Форму смазать маслом, выложить кусочки. В каждом кусочке сделать углубление, просто примять мякиш руками. В углубления выложить рыбу с луком. Смазать майонезом. Поставить в духовку. Запекать при температуре 180 градусов в течение 40-45 минут. Затем посыпать сыром (я половину кусочков посыпала сыром, половину — нет), поставить в духовку еще на 5-7 минут. Мне одинаково понравились гнездышки и с сыром, и без сыра.


We got out, and the taxi driver quickly started the car and left. I barely had time to zip up my pants. Member was still a stake. Tanya stood in the middle of the yard only in stockings, shoes and panties, full of taxi driver's cum. Apparently she was shocked by his behavior and did not pay attention to the fact that she was standing in the middle of the courtyard with a bare chest. I helped her put on a jacket and we went home. We immediately headed to the shower. Having undressed, I stood with my stepmother under a warm stream of water. Noticing that my cock was still standing, she turned her back on me and leaned over a little. I inserted my penis into Tanya's pussy, wet and sticky from the taxi driver's sperm, and fucked my stepmother well, bringing her to orgasm. After that we went to our rooms.
Come on, come on. He quickly unfastened his belt, lowered his trousers, and pulled off his shorts. And the cock is already steaming out, asking for a crack. Here she is, the cherished slit, between the legs of the mother-in-law opened, gleams with moisture. She opened the pink petals, calls into the darkness of the cave, promises the heat of love. He put his head to the entrance, pressed lightly and entered. The passage at the darling is developed, the folk trail is overgrown, so I slipped through without slowing down. Grabbed a magnificent ass, got used to it and earned it. Mother-in-law set a decent speed. It's her, the bitch, so I can finish faster. Okay, she's worse off.
Oh, Alex... You just break my heart. And my daughters. Perhaps you noticed that they liked it?
I sat down on all fours and put my hand under the flowing sperm. I picked it up and licked it off my hand. We decided to have another drink. We poured wine and ate fruit. I was in seventh heaven. I must say that my husband has a penis of 13 cm and lately he ends very quickly. We drank, ate and talked. Then we went to smoke. They caressed my body again. One asked if I give in the ass. Since I love everything in sex, I said that I give them and I will give them with pleasure. When we returned back to the compartment, it was half past one in the night.
The frightened young man looked blankly at me, then at Larisa, who immediately stood up for him, explaining that in my absence she had no one to help, and she turned to the guy. My wife reproached me with the fact that I, they say, flooded my eyes and invented something for myself, although nothing, from her point of view, irreparable happened. In short, we had another fight and I went back to the campsite, freaked out, took a taxi and drove to the center. As we approached the city center, the landscape and the contingent changed beyond recognition. Outside the car window, more and more often, flashed high-rise buildings, neon signs, decent hotels and indecent establishments, such as bars, massage parlors and brothels. Unlike the place where we lived, these streets were noisy and crowded, carnival and vicious fun reigned. I told the taxi driver to drop me off at one of the local attractions and went to get drunk with grief.
As I already wrote, the car was almost empty. Two men were traveling with us in the compartment and four men in the next compartment (as it turned out later, these six men were traveling together), and at the beginning of the carriage, there were several more compartments occupied, by several couples. In Goryachiy Klyuch I decided to go to the platform, the train stops here for a long time. The husband was reading something, two men were sleeping on the upper shelves. When I got up from my seat to get out, I saw something.
And then, passionately kissing his daughter, he picked up Lyuba and carried her, without disturbing the cohesion of the bodies, to the bed. There were no more thoughts, only an indefatigable desire for each other, to which they surrendered, and after recovering their breath, they surrendered again. Thoughts were jumbled in Luba's head. She was still terribly ashamed of giving herself to her father, and at the same time, the awareness of the taboo made the pleasure even more poignant and attractive.

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